
You've been given another day

The Story Behind Pulse Check™

The Pulse Check™ logo is the culmination of years of medical and trauma resuscitations as an SF medic, Emergency Medicine (EM) resident, and finally as an EM attending. At its core, it is in honor of the Ultimate Resuscitator, who resurrected himself after being dead for 3 days.

infographic explaining pulse check logo

The Logo

The left side of the logo is what chest compressions look like on the monitor for a patient in cardiac arrest.

During this time the resuscitation team is compressing the heart to circulate blood, breathing for the patient with a BVM, shocking the heart to restore the rhythm, intubating, getting IV access, pushing drugs, and getting the story from EMS and family to determine what happened and guide medical decisions.

This will continue for 2 minutes until the next “Pulse check,” at which time everything and everyone will go quiet for that silent, pregnant pause.

The ultrasound probe is already on the heart, fingers are feeling for pulses, eyes are watching the ultrasound screen and monitors for any signs of life...Then a contraction of the heart on the screen, QRS’s on the monitor, and pulses felt at the fingertips followed by an announcement of ROSC (Return of Spontaneous Circulation) and a flurry of activity by the team follows including checking vital signs, doing labs, an EKG, and host of other tasks to keep the patient stable.

That pregnant pause is captured on the line with pulse check above and below with a nod towards that thin line between life and death from heartbeat to heartbeat that we all live on.

The logo is an attempt to capture the enormity of the moment during a "Pulse Check" when all of the resuscitation efforts pause for a brief time to look for signs of life in a 'mostly dead' patient before continuing the resuscitation, or pronouncing the patient.

Created by John Bunyasaranand, DO

Dr. John Bunyasaranand is an ER physician in Pensacola, Florida. A former U.S. Army Special Forces medic (18D), he re-enlisted after 9/11, leaving behind a lucrative civil engineering career. In 2015, he was named a Pat Tillman Foundation Scholar for his dedication to service and leadership. With a unique background in civil engineering and combat medicine, Dr. Bunyasaranand now brings expertise and compassion to the frontlines of emergency care.

John Bunyasaranand

"…seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things..." Acts 17:25