
Pulse Check™

A tribute to resuscitation teams including ER, ICU, in-hospital, EMS, first responders, fire and law enforcement, bystanders, our patients, and their loved ones.

pulse check logo drop shadow

The pulse check logo is the business logo for J & MA Bunya LLC providing:

Emergency medical services; Medical services; Medical services in the field of Emergency Medicine, Resuscitation Medicine, Tactical Medicine, and Tactical Emergency Medicine; Medical services, namely, direct patient care in the fields of Emergency Medicine, Resuscitation Medicine, Tactical Medicine, and Tactical Emergency Medicine; Medical services, namely, emergency room medical services provided by a physician; Physician services.

The thin line between life & death

The Pulse Check™

The EKG rhythm noted by the thin line running left to right through the logo shows the electrical activity of the heart. The left side of the logo is what chest compressions look like on the monitor for a patient in cardiac arrest.

During this time the resuscitation team is compressing the heart to circulate blood, breathing for the patient with a BVM, shocking the heart to restore an organized rhythm, intubating, getting IV access, pushing drugs, and getting the story from EMS and family to determine what happened and guide medical decisions.

This will continue for approximately 2 minutes until the next “Pulse Check” at which time everything and everyone goes quiet and everyone becomes still for that silent, pregnant pause.

The ultrasound probe is already on the heart, fingers are feeling for pulses, all eyes are watching the patient, ultrasound screen and monitors for any signs of life…

…Then a contraction of the heart on the ultrasound screen, QRS’s on the monitor, and pulses felt at the fingertips followed by an announcement of ROSC (Return of Spontaneous Circulation) and a flurry of activity by the team follows including: vital signs, labs, EKG, and host of other tasks to keep the patient stable.

That pregnant pause during the pulse check is captured on the flat part of the line with pulse check above and below with a nod towards that thin line between life and death from heartbeat to heartbeat that we all live on.

This logo is a tribute to all you out there on the resuscitation teams, first responders, our patients, and their loved ones.

It is also a gentle reminder for all of us going through the ups and downs of life like on the monitor, and sometimes feeling like we’re getting chest compressions of our own to take a “Pulse Check” on our own life.

Pause everything for a moment, including your breathing, check your pulse, and appreciate that after every pulse comes another, and another. Take a deep breath and thank the good Lord you have a pulse and life, and can breathe on your own which is a gift from almighty God.1

You’ve been given another day that a lot of people didn’t make it to, give thanks, go on, and do something for the Lord today. Seek Him2 and he will let you know what it is, it will be the best thing you do all day.

John Bunyasaranand, DO

  1. …seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; Acts 17:25
  2. Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Prov 3:5,6

A simple reminder to pause everything...
...just for a moment.

This decal is an attempt to capture the enormity of a "Pulse Check" during a resuscitation when trying to save a life. Sometimes, under the right circumstances, and with a good resuscitation team, we can beat death for a time and get another day.3 But it is also a reminder that nobody has gotten out of here alive in a long time. Take a pause, reassess, give thanks, and take what you've been dealt by life and make it better.


3. Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival rates vary widely by region but are generally low at <6% for all comers from all causes including trauma, drowning, etc. Berger, Stuart MD. "Survival From Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Are We Beginning to See Progress?" Journal of the American Heart Association (2017). DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.117.007469.

pulse check pile of stickers

Created by John Bunyasaranand, DO

Pulse Check™ was the inspiration of Dr. John Bunyasaranand, created as a tribute to resuscitation teams, first responders/law enforcement and bystanders, patients, and their loved ones. Dr. Bunya is a former Special Forces medic (18D) and works as an ER doctor in Pensacola, FL.

John Bunyasaranand

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