The pulse check logo is the business logo for J & MA Bunya LLC providing:
Emergency medical services; Medical services; Medical services in the field of Emergency Medicine, Resuscitation Medicine, Tactical Medicine, and Tactical Emergency Medicine; Medical services, namely, direct patient care in the fields of Emergency Medicine, Resuscitation Medicine, Tactical Medicine, and Tactical Emergency Medicine; Medical services, namely, emergency room medical services provided by a physician; Physician services.
A simple reminder to pause everything...
...just for a moment.
This decal is an attempt to capture the enormity of a "Pulse Check" during a resuscitation when trying to save a life. Sometimes, under the right circumstances, and with a good resuscitation team, we can beat death for a time and get another day.3 But it is also a reminder that nobody has gotten out of here alive in a long time. Take a pause, reassess, give thanks, and take what you've been dealt by life and make it better.
3. Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival rates vary widely by region but are generally low at <6% for all comers from all causes including trauma, drowning, etc. Berger, Stuart MD. "Survival From Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Are We Beginning to See Progress?" Journal of the American Heart Association (2017). DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.117.007469.

Created by John Bunyasaranand, DO
Pulse Check™ was the inspiration of Dr. John Bunyasaranand, created as a tribute to resuscitation teams, first responders/law enforcement and bystanders, patients, and their loved ones. Dr. Bunya is a former Special Forces medic (18D) and works as an ER doctor in Pensacola, FL.

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